Women with cancer and the affective bond with her mothers

understanding to the psychotherapy work


  • Jacqueline Feltrin Quintana Universidade da Região da Campanha




perception, feelings, adaptation


The paper deals with women who became sick due to cancer and the bond they kept with their mothers in the childhood. The method which led to results was the analysis of categories and among the found categories there are: abandonment feeling, affective bond, adaptive compensatory resources and fear. The instrument used to reach the categories was a semi-structured interview. The conclusion about women who become sick due to cancer and the affective bond which they had with their mothers during childhood, confirm what was the fundament in the theory, or, the women in the study presented abandonment feelings, their mothers did not fulfill necessary shortage in the childhood, causing intern blanks in their personality.


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Author Biography

Jacqueline Feltrin Quintana , Universidade da Região da Campanha

Psicóloga, docente na Universidade da Região da Campanha – Urcamp/Bagé/RS


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How to Cite

Quintana , J. F. (2007). Women with cancer and the affective bond with her mothers: understanding to the psychotherapy work . Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicologia Hospitalar, 10(1), 127–150. https://doi.org/10.57167/Rev-SBPH.10.140



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