Psicologia hospitalar

um enfoque em terapia cognitiva


  • Sandra Regina Gonzaga Mazutti Hospital Paulistano
  • Marcela Mayami Gomes Kitayama Hospital Paulistano



Cognitive Therapy, hospital psychology, General Hospital


This article had as objective to present the applicability of Cognitive Therapy (CT) in patients hospitalized in General Hospital. It was presented one brief recital with basic principles of the CT, strategies and techniques to intervine in crisis situations. Considerations on the characteristics of the CT were made: short duration, focus in the present with objective in the resolution of problem and flexibility of thoughts and beliefs, aiming at the fast improvement of the mood, more emotional stability and more adaptive copping. Authors presented and argued two taken care of clinical cases in CT that could be evaluated how much to the results gotten in practical the hospital one.


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How to Cite

Mazutti, S. R. G., & Kitayama, M. M. G. (2008). Psicologia hospitalar: um enfoque em terapia cognitiva . Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicologia Hospitalar, 11(2), 111–125.



Original research