Results expectations related to the effect of crack/cocaine use in patients hospitalized for desintoxication
cocaine, crack, expectationsAbstract
Background: This study analyzed the expectations related to the effect of crack/cocaine use in patients hospitalized for desintoxication. This is a quantitative and cross-sectional research conducted in a sample of 83 male patients diagnosed with crack dependence and with an average age of 27.02 years (SD=6.46; 18-49). Method: Sociodemographic data and the pattern of substance use were evaluated. The expectations related to the effect of crack/cocaine use were evaluated through five Visual Analogic Scales (from 0: I completely disagree to 10: I completely agree) which evaluated the Perception, Behavior, Physical Aspects, Emotional Aspects and Craving domains. Results: The average scores were 6.43, 8.52, 7.75, 8.29 and 9.72 for the Perception, Behavior, Physical Aspects, Emotional Aspects and Craving domains, respectively. The Behavior domain was positively correlated with the last use of crack (r=0.202; p<0.01) and with the hospitalization time (r=0.233; p<0.01), while the Perception domain was correlated with the patients ages (r=0.240; p<0.05). Conclusion: From the perception of this sample, the use of crack was associated with craving, and with emotional, physical and behavioral alterations. Furthermore, the greater the patient’s age, the higher was the recognition of perceptual effects, while patients with longer time of hospitalization best perceived behavioral alterations.
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