Câncer de pênis
perfil sócio-demográfico e respostas emocionais à penectomia em pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Psicologia do Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco
cancer of penis, hospital psychology, collective health.Abstract
The cancer of penis, although considered rare in developed countries, presents excellent taxes of incidence in Brazil. Its more frequent symptoms consists of a wound or ulcera of difficult to heal or tumor in glans, preputial or body of the penis associated with the occurrence of a white secretion called esmegma. The occurrence of this neoplasia is associated with phimosis, sexually transmissible illnesses, familiar low income, inadequate habits of hygiene and low school level. One is about an exploration study that had as objective to trace the partner- demographic profile of patients taken care of in the Service of Psychology of the Hospital of Cancer of Pernambuco, with diagnosis of cancer of penis and indication for surgical treatment, and its main emotional answers front to this reality. The aged band of this group was of 56 years, being in its majority married or keeping a steady union; medium of two children; catholics; low school level; agriculturists; familiar low income, originating the interior of Pernambuco. The emotional repercussions more verbalized by these men had been: sleeplessness, suicidal ideation, fear and intense sadness. As conclusion, importance of a bigger attention to the health of the man is perceived it, as well as information to the population on measures of prevention for this type of cancer.
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