Self-efficacy and quality of life in young adults with chronic disease


  • Elisa Kern de Castro
  • Débora Wagner Pinto
  • Clarissa Franco Ponciano



Self-efficacy, Quality of life, Chronic disease


This study aims to assess self-efficacy and quality of life in young adults with chronic disease. Also, it examines possible differences between men and women. Participants were 20 patients with different types of chronic diseases, mean age 31,5 (SD=3,6) years, hospitalized in a general hospital. Measures obtained were: Biosociodemographic data, General Perceived Self-efficacy scale and World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref Questionnaire (WHOQOL-bref). Spearman correlation showed that self-efficacy were positively and significantly correlated or partially correlated (p <0.10) with quality of life and its dimensions. No differences were found between men and women in respect to self-efficacy and quality of life. Our data suggest the importance of positive health, specifically self-efficacy in the perception of quality of life in young adults with chronic disease.


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How to Cite

Castro, E. K. de, Pinto, D. W., & Ponciano, C. F. (2009). Self-efficacy and quality of life in young adults with chronic disease. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Psicologia Hospitalar, 12(2), 100–113.



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